2014: A haiku a day

1/1Here is the first one
It didn’t get published though
Started the 2nd
1/2I am glad to be
Here among the Ninja kids
Haikuing daily
1/3I am a purist
It's strictly 5-7-5
Otherwise it's not
1/4There aren't too many
Lots of space betwixt each one
Few and far between
1/5A circular disc
Compels me to get started
Got a round tuit
1/6I cannot decide
Should it be a king or queen
Looking at new beds
1/7There once was a man
From Limerick, but who talked
In 5-7-5
1/8A skin protrusion
Ever perseverating
It's a worry wart
1/9Have tortilla chips
But no Super Bowl nachos
Velveeta shortage
1/10Using olive oil
Crispy chicken golden brown
Thank god it’s Fryday
1/11Damn! What WAS his name?
Then from the tip of my tongue,
suddenly. Seymour!
1/12Daily for TEN years
I have a blog entry for
I’m stopping today
1/13From a mere pumpkin
To a magical stagecoach
It transmogrified
1/14Downton Abbey Lane
Would make a good Wheel puzzle
Before and After
1/15We have never met
But I know we’d hit it off
Ellen Garbuny
1/16It could get you killed
In a movie theater
Very dark last text
1/17It’s “its”—not “it’s”—there
It’s possessive, not “it is”
Editing’s my job
1/18I am underground
eating a BMT, in
a subway’s Subway
1/19They’re plump, but hopeful
Should they join or should they not
They’re on the gym tour
1/20Suddenly all blurred
Sweating now, so hard to see
Shower door steamed up
1/21Is it a gimmick?
Big taste. Less Fat. So “they” say
They’re called “Satisfries”
1/22With cocked head she asked,
“You have never seen Star Wars?”
So taken aback.
1/23Walk 30 minutes
and a haiku every day
Two-thousand fourteen
1/24It’s a number two
Not the kind you sit and do
But the kind that writes
1/25Johari’s Window
You have a crumb in your beard
“Blind Spot” quadrant stuff
1/26Birds of a feather
Pressured to stick together
But one needs “me time”
1/27Find my iPhone app
Just saved me time and worry
iPhone back in hand
1/28A “lostful” day
First my phone, then my license
Phone is back at least
1/29A month from today
It won’t be the month’s last day
It’s not a leap year
1/30Fun imagining
Conversations only thought
How’d they really go
1/31Can you believe it?
We have written 31
Three-thirty-four left
2/1The month of the heart
He loves me, he loves me not
Will yours throb, or break
2/2Sometimes you're afraid
Your banana won’t stay “fresh”
That’s what this is for
2/3It’s free pizza day
Limit of three slices please
Planet Fitness perk
2/4Christmas tree still up
It’s way past Epiphany
Waiting now for mine
2/5 It springs eternal
And they also say it floats
“What is hope, Alex?”
2/6I’m pretending it’s
A gestation period
Due in October
2/7I am the type who
Cuts his coupons exactly
On the dotted lines
2/8Three free bagels day—
I chose: Two pumpernickel,
And one sesame.
2/9I ate the whole thing
It was big, but I’ve no guilt
Just a cucumber
2/10Forlorn wandering
After stopping in one's tracks
Caught off guard in life
2/11Yucky meeting set
Part of the job I don’t like
I don’t want to go
2/12R. Carlos Nakai
12/20/82 Song
Inner Voices track
2/13 A pat of butter
Or a blanket for my bed
Bread spread or bedspread
2/14Dough formed in a heart
Cream filled, red and white sprinkles
They're from Krispy Kreme
2/15I am quite cranky
Been without power 6 hours
Two more predicted
2/16Each time I sit up
A pain in my abdomen
Sit-ups yesterday
2/17It's so quiet here
Flexible working schedules
Most working from home
2/18Tricked me into it
Or wait, with this kind of breath
Baited or bated
2/19Wander all about
Forum. Colosseum, too
As we roam in Rome
2/20Certain music makes
Me start dancing in my mind
I just heard a waltz
2/21Conference session choice
By how hot the speaker is
Choosing with wrong head
2/22Singing in the Rain
Music played by symphony
It’s a sing-a-long!
2/23A day in the life
Baby David joined this world
A life in the day
2/24Today’s mystery
Cafeteria entrée
Unlabeled calzones
2/25Scrabble games going
Often ten games at a time
I win one or two
2/26At a conference
Back at the office I know
Work is piling up
2/27You can keep going
Do it ‘til you’re satisfied
Ready to stop now?
2/28February first
Fell upon a Saturday
So will March the first
3/1Happy Birthday mom
Today you turn 82
You’re as old as dirt
3/2This Super Bubble
Gives a yummy sugar blast
Quickly dissipates
3/3My personal fan
Not the kind that claps for me
It sits on my desk
3/4Car door frozen shut
I’ve had a handle break off
Waiting for the thaw
3/5All the single men
Want to put a ring on it
No fingers in sight
3/6You know Carl Kasell
You have heard his voice at least
He's retiring
3/7Someone’s on the phone
I can only hear one side
It’s a halfalogue
3/8On the road today
Five hours total there and back
Birthday lunch for mom
3/9Where did that hour go
Disappeared inside my clock
Time's ephemeral
International day of
Awesomeness today
3/11My eyes have seen the
Insides of themselves just now
Yearly eye exam
3/12My eye doc is hot
And has no idea he is
I blogged about it
3/13That drives me crazy
All three facing distinct ways
Want them all the same
3/14Seeing Rosanne Cash
Dinner first at Bull McCabe’s
Then the show at 8
3/15Vincent St. Patrick
Bob's precious Cocker Spaniels
Frances Patricia
3/16Boneless bananas
Boneless apples are good, too
I like deboned fruit
3/17Boys in kilts are hot
When they go regimental
Swing low chariot
3/18Bourbon and soda
A change of drink after YEARS
Old dog learned new trick
3/19Not saying they’re big
But sign says, “Gone pot-holing”
And I caught a CARp
3/20When I was married
Flowers to my wife always
On the first of spring
3/21Eating some pork skins
Is it really skin of pigs
Lost my appetite
3/22It is laundry day
Think I’ll do my taxes, too
You go, Saturday!
3/23Taxes are all done
Lots of data imported
Less to calculate
3/24Many beer bottles
Mini liquor bottles, too
Trash along my walk
3/25Seeing James Taylor
In August at Walnut Creek
Seats in the 4th row
3/26Spraying out white noise
Combating ambient noise
Sleep comes easily
3/27The clock struck seven
Now it's 7:45
I've hit snooze 5 times
3/28Not that dream again
I want one of sexy men
Not one about work
3/29Nothing's better than
Getting into a warm bed
'Lectric blanket's on
3/30I love homemade bread
My favorite vehicle
For the Land O Lakes
3/31Goodbye month of March
Do be on guard tomorrow
Pranksters out full force
4/1Hello April fool
Did you fall for that again
Warned you yesterday
4/2Read 60 pages
Per day 'til the book is due
Goal-driven reading
4/3Va-cay coming up
Just a little getaway
To Fort Lauderdale
4/4It’s been hella week
Firing on cylinders
None left to ignite
4/5Hair is now too long
Trying to delay my cut
Closer to va-cay
4/6My mind—and fingers
Contemplating syllables
Once per day at least
4/7Is it critical
To a sweatshop that
Sweat escapes your pores?
4/8I do Doodle polls
For two social groups I’m in
Scheduling meetings
4/9It may be Wednesday
But for me it is Friday
Va-cay rest of week
4/10Soaring in the sky
Bird with wings that do not flap
Southwest Airline flight
4/11Recent Siblings Day
Sister is in the middle
I am on the right
4/12A walk on the beach
Contemplating days ahead
When my ship comes in
4/13In ten games right now
It’s National Scrabble Day
Time to make some moves
4/14Here’s my new password
Meets the most important rule
Off to find some blood
4/15Tax day, don’t you know
Deadline is fast approaching
Postmark by midnight
4/16Just saw some knockers
They can’t possibly be real
Door of someone’s dreams
4/17Instead of driving
My car into a ravine
I came out instead
4/18The boy whispered, “Shit!”
As he quickly jogged past me
Running late for work
4/19Every day I see
College kids do stupid things
They’re invincible
4/20I can recognize
A woman who is so fine
I am gay not blind
4/21Easter leftovers
Bacon cheddar deviled egg
On a sweet roll. Yum.
4/22It’s not Mother’s Day
But today we honor one
I mean Mother Earth
4/23Time keeps on slipping
Slipping, into the future
It’s Wednesday’s earworm
4/24Bob plays with my words
Intellectual boner
He strokes them so well
4/25Heading to the coast
Wrightsville Beach in Wilmington
Weekend getaway
4/26Monograms bug me
First, last, middle initials
That’s the wrong order
4/27Driving from the beach
Back to the fast-paced city
Beach life loafs behind
4/28Walked up to my desk
To see my laptop missing
Fuck, it’s back at home
4/29For our mental health
Everyone should be prescribed
Mandatory fun
4/30I feel like a cheat
I missed this daily haiku
Inserting it now
5/1Happy Birthday pups
Vincent's, and Frances's, too
They're 9 and 14
5/2I’m working from home
One hour-long meeting today
By phone—I’ll hate it
5/3Watching people shop
Hoping to find a bargain
At a friend's yard sale
5/4Transferring all files
I got a new computer
Off to a good start
5/5Heritage and pride
Celebrations to ensue
Cinco de Mayo
5/6Exercised today
(Didn’t even sweat or hurt)
Just my right to vote
5/7Thank you for your work
It’s National Nurses Week
I love one to death
5/8I’ll enjoy tonight
Plans postponed ‘til three more weeks
Unexpected time
5/9To the post we go
Mother’s Day card in the mail
Will arrive on time
5/10At a board meeting
Saying lots and talking fast
It’s hard on the scribe
5/11ALL of it's not true.
Can I strike a word or two?
Greeting cards are hard.
5/12Ex-colleagues, ex-job
All meeting for drinks today
Trying to hold on
5/13Michael Sam and I
We have something in common
Both have two first names
5/14Each day that I can
Get away without shaving
That is what I do
5/15I do like turtles
But not enough to pay more
For a license plate
5/16Wake County arrests
Larceny by employee
Hey, I know that guy
5/17Doing the AIDS Walk
Thinking of my friend Adam
Left us way too soon
5/18Trying to decide
What criteria to use
For a decision
5/19Started on this day
Some 34 years ago
My IBM job
5/20Precious sleep eludes
Rarely have insomnia
But I do tonight
5/21Cream cheese clam dip yum
Spread atop some snap pretzels
Appetizer love
5/226 years have gone by
Thinking of Jeanie-baby
Always makes me smile
5/23Friday Ninja Lunch
So fun to meet everyone
At Clyde’s BBQ
5/24It is very rare
Nothing’s on my calendar
I’ll enjoy this day
5/25Thirty-nine years gone
Since high school graduation
On this day back then
5/26Second guessing sucks
It's coulda, woulda, shoulda
No one wins with that
5/27Tuesday, back to work
Only three more days to go
A short week, at least
5/28‘Round and ‘round I drive
Spiraling up to the top
Parking deck’s 6th floor
5/29Having all vowels
All consonants—the same thing
Scrabble frustrations
5/30Two pounds down per week
The healthy way to do it
But it sure is slow
5/31April was so fine
May was a real looker, too
But wait, here comes June
6/1Maleficent and
Malevolent sound alike
One acts, one does not
6/2They call them “chick cars”
Ones that guys should never drive
In Mens Magazine
6/3It’s the third of June
Another sleepy, dusty
Delta day, my friends
6/4Was contemplating
What’s the plural of haiku
It’s its own plural
Whoopdee-damn-doo, too, is one
Tmesis, that is
6/6Facebook lets me know
When 8 friends share a birth date
Never would have known
6/7Dirt-filled sill pots, or
Farmers are these sowing seeds
Planters, both of them
6/8My gym is moving
It will be less convenient
Exercising rage
6/9I'd like to juggle
But audiences scare me
I don't have the balls
6/10Gathered all around
For the reading of the will:
A dead giveaway
6/11I used to think that
I’m the indecisive type
Now I’m not so sure
6/12“Man kills, eats woman”
“Mayor tossed a bag of poo”
Bizarre headline day
6/13Thirteenth, schmirteenth. Pffft!
I’m not a suspicious one
Friday the 13th
6/14Today is flag day
Patriotic fabric hailed
What about the pole
6/15Road trip to see dad
For both Mother's/Father’s Days
So,  to see mom, too
6/16June’s half done today
15 more days to go ‘til
Half the year’s gone by
6/17Tonight is date night
Eat, and a movie or cards
Spending time with Bob
6/188 old, used windows
Picture perfect, clear as glass
Crafters scarfed them up
6/19It came up a cloud
As they say here in the south
A big storm rolled in
6/20Lunch with the “in-laws”
Well, not legally in-laws
Hence quotation marks
6/21Sun at greatest height
Maximum axial tilt
The summer solstice
6/22Gathering for June
Mostly Social Book Club met
No book was discussed
6/23It has been a while
Since I’ve gone to say my piece
At Moral Monday
6/24Insert comment now
Fixing grammar and typos
Used to use red ink
6/25Couldn’t figure out
How to fasten my seatbelt
Then one day it clicked
6/26I bought some to try
Peanut butter Oreos
They were just okay
6/2794 pages
9 copies unintended
Such a waste of trees
6/28We are double-booked
Birthday parties—the same time
Two cookouts today
6/29Such a nice visit
Nathan and Heloisa
And their cute son John
6/30June comes to an end
Another year halfway gone
Welcome second half
7/1Had a lunchtime chat
‘Bout things that really matter
Advice from a friend
7/2Long weekend ahead
Just get through tomorrow
Then it’s chillax time
7/3They’re red, white, and blue
Fresh, hot bagels from Bruegger’s
Independence Dough
7/4Making deviled eggs
To take to a friend’s cookout
Independence Day
7/5On the road again
Traveling to Oak Island
Post-4th partying
7/6Ready for Salon
Agenda items answered
Can’t wait to discuss
7/7Oh look, it’s Monday
After a nice long weekend
Easing back to work
7/8Such deep-seated hate
To stab another human
Lives cut way too short
7/9A chance encounter
Mailbox checking late at night
Fun conversation
7/10After work cocktails
On our calendars it says
“Team building” meeting
7/11Sought expert advice
Prep for the final curtain
Succession planning
7/12We are never lost
For something to talk about
Love being with him
7/13It’s 13 again
A number I’m partial to
The day of my birth
7/14Please don’t let, I beg
That gravy touch my biscuit
Love divider plates
7/15A shot in the arm
Just a metaphor, really:
Today is payday
7/16My teeth are so clean
(Dentist appointment today)
I could eat off them
7/17Nothing but blue skies
And a little piece of moon
Smiling down on me
7/18 Hello dear Friday
It’s always good to see you
Closing out the week
7/19I’m off to the coast
Five days on Bald Head Island
Some of it for work
7/20Boss’s boss made quiche
Tomato, bacon, and Swiss
Little cups of yum
7/21Work retreat first day
We have a full agenda
Let's see how it goes
7/22What motivates you?
Getting to know each other.
What work do you like?
7/23All good things must end
Today’s the day to check out.
Cleaning up the place
7/24Back in the office
Inbox is stuffed to the gills
Drowning in requests
7/2510 by 10 tonight
10 plays by 10 directors
Each 10 minutes long
7/26What a lazy day
Lots of sleep and little play
Makes John a dull boy
7/27Stir frying this week
Chicken and vegetables
Already chopped up
7/28First one into work
Lights come on upon entry
As if to say hi
7/29Autumn days of work
Meaning in the grandest sense
Sunsetting career
7/30Watching what I eat
Taking back control of it
A lifetime struggle
7/31The end of July
August looms around the bend
A wrinkle in time
8/1Well hello August
Other than the year’s 8th month
What will you bring us
8/2Seeing Baby James
Goodnight you moonlight ladies
4th row, center, seats
8/3Dust bunnies all dead
Though some were full grown rabbits
Pledge did get them all
8/4Hard to get started
Snoozed and dreamt and snoozed again
Damn you, Monday morn
8/5Years ago today
36 to be exact
I did say I do
8/6We're off site today
Learning about each other
Interesting group
8/7Tonight some time “off”
Nothing on the calendar
Time to do nothing
8/8Happy “eight oh eight”
Like 8 minutes after 8
Makes me think of BOB
8/9Rain, rain, go away
Or at least to Amy’s go
Where you’ll feel the love
8/10Weekend flying by
7-day weekends ahead
Just two months from now
8/11The building’s shaking
Excavation equipment
Breaking ground nearby
8/12Big blob of putty
For a temporary crown
Shaped like my back tooth
8/1361 days left
My career comes to an end
2 months from today
8/14Gay film festival
Story lines where in the end
The boy gets the boy.
8/15Book club and salon
And the film festival, too
A busy weekend
8/16Early for movie
Mixed up a.m. and p.m.
There 12 hours too soon
8/17Finished South of Broad
A writer extraordinaire
Thank you Pat Conroy
Sucks the air out of the room
What a drag it is
8/19She will come undone
Psycho killer qu'est-ce que c'est
Run, run, run away
8/20New semester start
A late grocery store run
Teeming with students
8/21Change is in the air
Change is the only constant
Change your underwear
8/22Calendar days left
52, and 35
Business days to work
8/23A Grease sing-a-long
Summer fun, something’s begun
Oh, those summer nights
8/24This is new for me
Co-starring on a podcast
We’ll see how it goes
8/25“That looks great!” he said.
About an edit for him.
That just made my day.
8/26On a recording
I hate hearing my own voice
Getting used to it
8/27Tampering with mail
Kazakhstan is on my mind
Because of a joke
8/28Back to the dentist
To get my permanent crown
And for a filling
8/29The Friday before
A long weekend to not spend
8/30Tabula rasa
Starting off my day like that
Let’s see what it brings
8/31August, it’s a wrap.
Bring it on, oh September!
Don’t leaf us forlorn.
9/1Two projects to do
Before October 13th
Working on the first
9/2One today to-do
Request a mortgage payoff
For exact amount
9/3Body glistening
Flopping dick in running shorts
Very distracting
9/4Balls of white and blue
Lasts for three minutes at best
A burst of flavor
9/5Never been to one
Shower the bride tomorrow
Her girlfriends, and me
9/6It was a nice time
Very civil and relaxed
Just one of the girls
9/7Lots of vegetables
For a healthy dinner meal
Thrown into the wok
9/8Little irks me more
Than poor customer service
No patience for it
9/9I love hard-boiled eggs
Thank you chicken for your lay
I eat one a day
9/10“I am excited…”
No you’re not. No smile or flair.
9/11Best of Enemies
Many sold out shows last year
It’s opening night
9/12Yes, he’s a keeper
Bob made me some homemade bread
Pumpernickel love
9/13Way too many ads
Read a printed magazine
For first time in years
9/14All shook up today
It sucks seeing parents age
Then I killed a dog
9/15Driving a new car
New-fangled dashboard info
It’s all digital
9/16Teetering along
On too high high heels, she goes
9/17Board asked me to join
I’ve lived here for 30 years
I should do a stint
9/18Stopped that charging bull
How’d I do it you wonder
Canceled credit card
9/1961 years now
Since they said “I do,” “I do”
Mom and dad, that is
9/20You cannot sing with
A garbanzo beans mouthful
So hummus a tune
9/21My clever aunt knits
Telling funny, smart stories
She’s a real knitwit
9/22Burly woodcutter
Stretches at the break of dawn
He’s a limberjack
9/23Do birds *know* the way
All flying south together
Or just winging it?
9/24I’m reading a book
About anti-gravity
I can’t put it down
9/25I had but one fear
It was a fear of hurdles
I got over it
9/26Chicken and waffles
With some honey from Beasley’s
Best of all: ‘twas free!
9/27The manicurist
And the dentist disagreed
They fought tooth and nail
9/28Staring at the wall
Yelling at the calendar
“Your days are numbered!”
9/29I stayed up all night
To find out where the sun went
Then it dawned on me
9/30Looks like it's brand new
My old deck was pressure washed
Lazy days there soon
10/1Mad at my masseuse
Double-booked my appointment
Rubbed me the wrong way
10/2A duck buys Chapstick
“Will that be cash or credit?”
“Put it on my bill”
10/3Smells like dill to me
I don’t know how to get out
I’m in a pickle
10/4Pearls’ “Olives to Go!”
Hotel room appetizers
Perfect with cocktails
10/5Love is in the air
In the cloud that my head’s in
Want to keep it there
10/6Last full week of work
It has all come down to this
Countdown chain from friends
10/7What greater honor
Than to be the choice to write
A final farewell
10/8My first board meeting
Got the poop on homeowners
Who are delinquent
10/9Up at 5:30
To give an airport ride, but
He has overslept
10/10Work farewell party
Haiku and limericks read
All to honor me
10/11It is Saturday
National Coming Out Day
Glad I don’t have to
10/12Death arrived today
For my ex-mother-in-law
May she rest in peace
10/1357 now
And away from the rat race
Here’s to the next phase
10/14Leisurely morning
Here’s to many more like this
Feels pretty darn good
10/15Heard the “lunk alarm”
For the first time in a while
May have been a year
10/16State Fair starts today
Traffic and parking nightmares
Stay away from grounds
10/17Lunch with Bob today
Two retirees eating
Having tuna melts
10/18Lost in the music
Listening to opera
Love an aria
10/19Home Depot worker
SUPER customer service
Rare to find these days
10/20Cleaning out my shed
Things from 13 years ago
Didn’t know I owned
10/21Dinner al fresco
Bob and I and our friend Chuck
Boylan Bridge Brewpub
10/22Herman and Annie
Coffee and reunion time
At the Cup-A-Joe
10/23Watched The Cosmic Man
1959 movie
Didn’t finish it
10/24With water and yeast
Or in her therapist's chair
She can make some bread
10/25Sitting at the bar
Met a guy named Anthony
Here from out of town
10/26Beautiful weather
Bob and Frances and Vincent
Hung out on the deck
10/27A sleep-late Monday
I appreciate it so
Got eight hours in
10/28Watched 5 episodes
Of that scandalous Scandal
It’s called binge watching
10/29Today I had the
Best pimento cheese sandwich
And I’ve had a lot
10/30Did an early vote
Had to wait in line a bit
A small price to pay
10/31I did it for him
At first I didn’t want to
Love to see him smile
11/1A fun night of games,
Dinner, and socializing
And made two new friends
11/260 minutes back
What to do with them you ask?
Used them up in sleep
11/3Lunch at Raleigh Times
With my ex-brother-in-law
All caught up again
11/4Clocks set back Sunday
NC set back 50 years
On Voting Tuesday
11/5Rode by my first house
It’s in decent enough shape
After 30 years
11/6Sent my sentiments
Thank you; Happy Birthday, too
In the U.S. mail
11/7What are hubcaps for
Do they serve a real purpose
Or just there for looks
11/8Off to Oak Island
Bob and furry kids in tow
I’m a lucky guy
11/9Special gathering
Mostly Social Book Club met
To celebrate me
11/10Only buy Hallmark
When I can use a coupon
Excessive markup
11/11Dad was a Marine
Had a 30-year career
Gave us a good life
11/12Vivian’s birthday
Stays three years younger than me
She’s my dear sister
11/13What if we could see
Germs and calories of things
How would it change us
11/148:30 a.m.
Already done working out
It’s out of the way
11/15Lunch with an old friend
Serious and frivolous
Talked about a lot
11/16A path just as fair
It’s grassy and wants some wear
Way leads on to way
11/17Slept too late today
Nice to have the option, but
Things I want to do
11/18Had some balls for lunch
They were big, and spicy, too
Meat with parm cream sauce
11/19Delicious cheesecake
Granny Smith apple pie top
Bob’s an awesome cook
11/20I could save money
Making origami treats
For precious Frances
11/21Calendars fill up
Food and drinks and visiting
It’s the holidays
11/22Fell as she passed out
Hit her head on cement floor
Alcohol induced
11/23Charitable gift
$25 gift card
For holiday food
11/24“I’ll just have a ‘skosh’”
People seem to like that word
Use it when I can
11/25Such a curmudgeon
Martin Clunes plays Doc Martin
But a brilliant doc
11/26Buying groceries
Me and other retirees
Man in house slippers
11/27Me, Bob, and friend Joe
Off to Greenville for the day
For Thanksgiving grub
Where they stand on many things
It's right there to see
11/29Backed up from iTunes
189 gig
That’s a lot of songs
11/30Salad with fried shrimp
With a light cucumber dill
All dressed up to eat
12/1Welcome December
With you comes a lot to do
Finishing the year
12/2Bob’s new computer
Has a terabyte of space
12/3Lots of errands done
Grateful to be able to
Have a day for them
12/4I’m so glad that Ruth
On this day in ‘53
Had a boy named Bob
12/5We saw “I and You”
At Manbites Dog theater
Very compelling
12/6Flying Saucer drinks
Celebrating Wayne Wilson
Dinner after that
12/7Clutter reduction
Donations I dropped off at
Cause For Paws Thrift Store
12/8Now I wonder this
How did I have time to work
Busy day today
12/9Laughter with my ex
Red Hat co-workers, that is
At a Happy Hour
12/10On the phone too long
But sometimes it must be done
Mission accomplished
12/11Interviewed some kids
Grad students at N.C. State
Practicing their skills
12/12Unexpected act:
Friendly customer service
U.S. Post Office
12/13Pull it “out the box”
As they say here in the south
Tree is all set up
12/14I have got the crud
Slept away most of the day
Love cherry NyQuil
12/15Did you rearrange?
Did you cover up those lights?
I’m oblivious.
12/16Such a dilemma
Whether to workout or not
When not feeling well
12/17My fastest speed was
98 words per minute
Test your typing skills
12/18Bob is amazing
He is the consummate host
Thinks of everything
12/19Couldn’t see my doc
Went to a “MinuteClinic”
Good experience
12/20Each have lots of friends
New Year’s Eve party invites
We are up to four
12/21Bob here for dinner
Frances and Vincent came, too
We had BLTs
12/22Vincent the lap dog
He’s an easy one to love
Here he is with Bob
12/23A phenomenon
It has come to an end now
Serial podcast
12/24A glass of eggnog
Sitting by the Christmas tree
Noticing its tilt
12/25We got what we want
A gift card kind of Christmas
Nothing to return
12/26Second time I’ve gone
To my new gym location
The jury’s still out
12/27Two loads of laundry
One of whites, one of colors
They’re all fresh and clean
12/28Wasn’t into it
Was an upper body day
Persevered through it
12/29Saw my doc today
I love her bedside manner
Renewed prescriptions
12/30The penultimate
Day of two-thousand fourteen
One more and it’s done
12/31This one is number
Three hundred and sixty-five
One a day this year!