2015: A haiku-a-day

1/1There are things 'bout Bob
That I can't think of without
Grinning ear-to-ear
1/2Looked all up and down
Couldn’t find it anywhere
Then said it out loud
1/3It got him tickled
Who knew painting by numbers
Could be that funny
1/4Getting ready to
Focus on portion control
Calorie counting
1/5Loaned him my FitBit
He gave me paint by number
Exchanges of love
1/6Did some freelancing
It will pay for new tires
That I need real soon
1/7A puzzle a day
Twenty-fifteen calendar
10-minute crosswords
1/8Feeling syllabic
Five, then seven, then five more
Drank haiku Kool-aid
1/9Made French onion soup
I’ve never made soup before
I will make some more
1/10Like Russian roulette
Will it be or won’t it be
A ripe cantaloupe
1/11Up at 6 AM
Crunches and upper body
Done by 9 AM
1/12In a coffee shop
A dog walked around freely
That appealed to me
1/13Chicken for protein
Onions, mushrooms, green peppers
Delicious stir fry
1/14Provided a ride
Got a free lunch out of it
Helped a friend in need
1/15Saw a play tonight
One-man show, so many lines
It was compelling
1/16Took in a nice tour
Historical Mordecai
Had a good tour guide
1/17Birthdays Dinner night
Good friendship, food, and music
It was a success
1/18Dog-sitting Nala
She’s my friend’s cocker spaniel
And a sweetie pie
1/19There’s something about
Not being in my own home
That just nags at me
1/20Hot Huez is a thing
It’s temporary hair “chalk”
Press, slide, and color!
1/21Yes he does so much
No I don’t exaggerate
Maybe I’m smitten
1/22Saw my Red Hat friends
Work goes on without me there
But I have been missed
1/23Squeezed in at the gym
People park like idiots
Too close to the line
1/24I was a big boy
Ate the beans in the chili
Not too bad at all
1/25Can a shade or two
Alter your age in one’s mind
It’s only skin deep
1/26Goodbye Nexium
Have to switch to another
It's not covered now
1/27A wench cut me off
Then she took my parking spot
I hope karma watched
1/28Poor old Ms Gabby
Turns out she was a hoarder
Committed herself
1/29I am cooking more
Now that I am retired
Healthier eating
1/30Talked about a play
That we saw a month ago
Still remembered it
1/31It was a good month
Mostly ate well, exercised
Focused on my health
2/1Patriots? Seahawks?
Thinking about those tight ends
Not about football
2/2One love beside me
Another love to my right
Bob hangs off the bed
2/3Did some outside work
Lugged some scrap wood to the curb
Very rare for me
2/4Drips of liquid blue
Appear on the hot burner
Tupperware lid melts
2/5Laughed and laughed some more
Happy Hour with Red Hat peeps
2/6Kindle book: Greyhound
Free with my Amazon Prime
So far it’s quite good
2/7Distillery tour
Very educational
And free samples too
2/870 degrees
Bloody Marys al fresco
Afternoon delight
2/9Mom and dad sound good
Always a relief to hear
Birthdays coming up
2/10Greyhound: A novel
Sabastien Ranes comes of age
Crossing the U.S.
2/11Bob made caramels
Valentine’s Day treat for me
They are so delish
2/12Had to look it up
How much is forever worth
Stamp prices elude
Love from Frances and Vincent
Always gives me paws
2/14Such a lovely day
With my special Valentine
The love of my life
2/15Red, white, and heart-shaped
Chocolates and trinkets, too
Half-price love tokens
2/16Lunch at a new place
Rice was in a pyramid
Ate at Tom Yum Thai
2/17No power was lost
From a winter storm system
Passing through our town
2/18It’s that time again
For my free credit report
To make sure it’s right
2/19Trimmer stopped working
Good for 20 or 30
Years of grooming beards
2/20Challenging 4 days
5 food-centered social dates
All while dieting
2/21Morning board meeting
Afternoon social with friends
Dinner guests at night
2/22Family dysfunction
Spare the truth so not to hurt
“Everybody’s fine.”
2/23Dinner with Bob’s peeps
Meeting them for the first time
Nephew and his wife
2/24Sellers or Fonda
Rabbit, Pan, or Cottontail
Pumpkin eater, too
2/25Crazy girls head east
Tommy Lee and Hilary
Driving the wagon
2/26First time snowed in with
Bob and Frances and Vincent
We all passed the test
2/27Call it what you will
Stir crazy, cabin fever
Snow thaw brought relief
2/28Do you know what’s love?
Beanless chili made for you
And it wins a prize
3/1Mom turns 83
25 ahead of me
That’s where the years go
3/2A Week in Winter
Reading it on my Kindle
Pretty good so far
3/3One at career’s end
Talking to those starting out
The yin and the yang
3/4The Grim Reaper lurks
We can never know when he
Will knock on our door
3/5Going to the gym
Late at night after cocktails
Not a good idea
3/6I met June and Cole
The twins born on New Year’s Eve
Quite adorable
3/7Go from 2 to 3
Move the little hand up 1
Lose sixty minutes
3/8I like things settled
I get antsy when they’re not
Closure is my friend
3/9Thinking of Herman​
Anne​ kneading his brand new knee
Would be just like them
3/10Getting new French doors
After 30 years, it’s time
Coming next Wednesday
3/11What we imagine
Doesn’t always play out so
Sometimes that’s just fine
3/12“I am mostly straight.”
“I’m a little bit pregnant.”
River in Egypt
3/13Third day in a row
Happy hour with my friends
Social butterfly
3/14Rode to see the Webbs
They are packing to move soon
Took some of their junk
3/15Calories galore
Brunch buffet at Tír na nÓg
Went right to the gym
3/16Apples of my eye
Joined me tonight for dinner
Frances, Vincent, Bob
3/17I went out today
Not a spot of green on me
But I wasn’t pinched
3/18I have new French doors
Ils sont très jolie, bien sûr!
Gateway to my deck
3/19Worked out late tonight
But it didn’t bother me
I was into it
3/20We watched Pride today
Gays and miners get along
3/21Is it all about
The journey or landing place
Games philosophy
3/22Leftover yummies
From a fun social event
Makes a smorgasbord
3/23He was moved by love
And I don’t mean just his heart
Now he’s moving back
3/24Turns out I was wrong
Came back for his furniture
Guess their loveseats match
3/25Computer lessons
For he, the former Luddite,
Now with 3 gadgets
3/26Eating Jimmy Dean
Two turkey sausage patties
For breakfast protein
3/27Broadened horizon
Joint account with Verizon
Talk is cheap-er now
3/28Small bumps on my tongue
Burned it eating egg drop soup
Hate when that happens
3/29Binge watching a show
It’s a court show, The Good Wife
I’m enjoying it
3/30Taking a deep breath
Holding it in for a bit
Then things get silly
3/31Actors from one show
Turn up on another one
Talk about two-faced
Date Haiku
4/1 Bob’s a die-hard fan
Comes to watch the geezers dance
Even when they don’t
4/2 Had dinner with Joe
Followed it with a movie
A nice, cheap night in
4/3 Amy Pritchard’s day
One more circle ‘round the sun
Happy Birthday, friend
4/4 Never met dear Ruth
Passed 5 years ago today
Love her son so much
4/5 Arrived right at 10
On the breakfast side of brunch
Beat the church folks there
4/6 Sitting on my deck
Drinking coffee and writing
Beautiful weather
4/7 I went into “flow.”
Hours flew by in just minutes
Can it still be “work?”
4/8 Preconceived notions
Bit into a biscotti
Soft, to my surprise
4/9 Crosswords left uncrossed
One-a-day, 5 days behind
Puzzles piling up
4/10 1-800 calls
About my health insurance
Fixed, for now at least
4/11 Was a slug today
Slept a lot and watched TV
Binged on The Good Wife
4/12 An exceptional
51st salon meeting
Questions and answers
4/13 Six months to the day
I’ve enjoyed retirement
I’m living the dream
4/14 Offer made to me
30 grand below market
For my paid-for house
4/15 Such a taxing day
For those who procrastinate
Grateful I’m not one
4/16 Ate for two tonight
Me, and a pet rescue group
Fundraising event
4/17 21 years now
Living my authentic life
After coming out
4/18 Bob is generous
I’m not a good caretaker
But my heart beats true
4/19 After 20 years
Someone dropped out of book club
And it’s fine with me
4/20 Quite remarkable
Lost a Salon member, too
After many years
4/21 Now immortalized
Lives forever on the web
With his own home page
4/22 Google Hangout helped
Our board to have a quorum
Thanks technology
4/23 Spent time on my deck
Editing, then dinner, too
With all the McVeighs
4/24 Getting out of Dodge
To celebrate Joe’s birthday
Road trip to Asheville
4/25 My friend Joe’s birthday
Walking, drinking, dining, too
All up in Asheville
4/26 A four-hour road trip
Stopped at Sheetz for some coffee
Dreary, rainy ride
4/27 Lawyers in your life
Turns life’s outlook all blasé
Wish they’d go away
4/28 For someone I like
Edited a resume
Drinks and food in trade
4/29 Taking care of things
In anticipation of
Two weeks on the road
4/30 Dad’s now 84
Born in 1931
On this April day
5/1We are on the road
Bob and Frances and Vincent
Starting our trip north
5/2On the road again
From Asheville to Lexington
Love in the back seat
5/3Six hours on the road
Was the last leg of our trip
Now in Battle Creek
5/4Drinks poolside with Bob’s
Brother and sister-in-law
Chinese take-out, too.
5/5McVeigh history
Saw so much of it today
All explained by Bob
5/6We picked up Mary
Then drove to brother Billy’s
One more sibling met
5/7Up in Mackinaw
Walked around the little town
With my family
5/8I am plum wore out
Miss taking my daily naps
Will sleep tight tonight
5/9I loved listening
To tons of McVeigh stories
A chillaxing day
5/10Pizza on the grill
And a poignant brother’s toast
To our love and lives
5/11“Are you awake?”asked
Mr. Spontaneity
“Want to just leave now?”
5/12Back to my routine
Good Wife, reading, and blogging
It was a “me” day
5/13On his hand and knees
Bob cut my small lawn by hand
There’s no greater love
5/14Met Ellen and Don
Conversation was easy
Thanks for stopping by!
5/15He’s unresponsive
Many thoughts go through one’s mind
Scary words to hear
5/16Caring for my plants
Nourishing by watering
Hopeful for their fruit
5/17Upset stomach day
Could be from several things
Hope it will subside
5/18Book club book finished
Normally I like downers
But bad timing now
5/19It’s 35 years
To the day that I started
Working at Big Blue
5/20With mom, dad, and sis
Miss Bob, Frances, and Vincent
Hope to see them soon
5/21Poor little Smokey
His house has been invaded
By out-of-towners
5/22Stayed with mom tonight
Vivian and Jeff went out
With their dinner club
5/23My first time serving
Really didn't know how to
They didn't train me
5/24Pizzas on the grill
Bob can cook most everything
Not afraid to try
5/25Precious, precious time
With Bob, Vincent, and Frances
Then back to Greenville
5/26Parents accepting
Can no longer live alone
Sad but know it’s best
5/27Roller coaster day
He is good, then he is bad
It’s been two weeks now
5/28During a showing
Current resident speaks out
She’s not happy there
5/29Mom gave her okay
Put down a hold deposit
They are next in line
5/30It had been two weeks
Since I’d made it to the gym
Didn’t forget how
5/31This is my life now
Just accept it and go on
It's not permanent
6/1Ghirardelli squares
Love the ones with caramel
And milk chocolate
With my sis ‘bout mom and dad
Using Google docs
6/3Much to take care of
I’m totally exhausted
6/4It’s recycle day
I’m not there to put it out
Bob took care of it
6/5Ms. Teresa Ball
Is today’s hero to me
Answered all questions
6/6Home for the weekend
Not back from Kansas, but still
There’s no place like home
6/7Touch of normalcy
Attended Salon today
A good distraction
6/8I’ve got some control
Added to their bank account
I can monitor
6/9Two Men and a Truck
Will be moving mom and dad
Into their new place
6/10Got her TB test
Signed the contract for her place
Will move in next week
6/11Eating out of bed
On a chair in dining room
It’s such a huge deal
6/12Home early Friday
To see Bob, Frances, Vincent
The loves of my life
6/13Wagging puppy tails
Some turned out to be butt plugs
I think that's just gross
6/14It's Smokey's birthday
He's 15 years old today
My sister's dear cat
6/15Soaring outside temps
AC units can’t keep up
To cool the indoors
6/16Getting dad's hair cut
Used to get it high and tight
Thursday appointment
6/17Two men and a truck
Moved one man and one woman
Four counties over
6/18Had to turn around
Was headed to the wrong "home"
Mom's instead of dad's
6/19Thank god it’s Friday
Back home with the ones I love
Caretaker respite
6/20Esther Hoffman glows
John Norman Howard flickers
One star shines; one fades
6/21It’s been ‘bout 3 weeks
Since I last did strength training
Will pay tomorrow
6/22Hot chocolate chips
Baked in cookies by neighbor
A thoughtful gesture
6/23Was good to get out
For the change of scenery
And visit his bride
6/24My brother-in-law
Turned the big six-oh today
Friends celebrated
6/25For David and Wayne
(No selfie stick big enough)
This t-rex selfie
6/26I asked if he would
Marry me now that he could
“Yes, I guess I should”
6/27Her augmented breasts
Used to soothe the savage cop
Paying for themselves
6/28Guest list all drawn up
Friends and neighbors and “the gays”
And our families
6/29Finished a good book
All The Light We Cannot See
Very well-written
6/30Summer creeps along
Most of mine spent caretaking
Six weeks have passed now
7/1Potential buyers
One fell through; new one appeared
For my parents’ house
7/2When it rains it pours
Backed into my sister’s car
Going to get mom
7/3Tomato plants down
Bob took them to a new home
They’re in his good hands
7/4Bob had us covered
For the potluck July 4th
At Clint and John’s house
7/5They are so calming
What I need so much right now
Bob, Frances, Vincent
7/6Huge, thick pasta shells
Must contain lots of butter
Delish mac and cheese
7/7So interesting
Listening to visitors
Talk with their loved ones
7/8Little library
In a little town down east
Edited from there
7/9Drinks and half-priced apps
“Caretaker Maintenance Hour”
A short mental break
7/10Season 6 is out
Now binge watching The Good Wife
Cary’s in trouble 
7/11Donatos pizza
And a fantastic salad
With Bob’s tomatoes
7/12 Does this bother you?
These are things that bother me.
We compared our lists.
7/13Did lots of TO-DOs
Mom’s and dad’s and some were mine
Marked them as TO-DONEs
7/14On the road again
Doing what I have to do
Elder care-giving
7/15Inventory check
Confirms some are on order
Yay technology
Useless worry and churning
Cannot turn it off
7/17Fantastic burger
Basil, green beans from Bob’s yard
Everything so fresh
7/18We love Doc Martin
Some of his mannerisms
Crack up Bob and me
7/19We discussed a book
That most read two months ago
Who was that again?
Out for dad’s dialysis
Had to reschedule
7/21Bob and I met Blake
He will be marrying us
He has the power
7/22Bob outdid himself
I'm so grateful for his work
Being the best host
7/23We must follow up
On so many people's work
It's ridiculous
7/24My dad laughed today
Want to think he's turned around
Only time will tell
7/25Bob did it again
Tomatoes from his garden
This time bruschetta
7/26 Two huge pancakes stacked
No one thought he could eat both
But he came so close
7/27Conference call tonight
Remote, two-hour board meeting
Fulfilling duty
7/28Taxing day for dad
Surgery scheduled next week
Rough on all of us
7/29Making refreshments
For her friend’s retirement
Talented sister
7/30It was a close call
An unneeded procedure
Called off just in time
7/31Veggie lasagna
Made with Bob’s friend’s recipe
It was delicious
8/1A blood phobia
He threw up on a patient
Struggling Doc Martin
8/2Love banana cake
But love Bob and Frances and
Vincent even more
8/3Spider in the bed
Snuffed it out with a tissue
Die motherfucker
8/4Power has gone out
A car hit a power pole
Please come back on soon
8/5On this very day
37 years ago
I did say I do
8/6It was a long day
Frustrating and all for naught
Surgery canceled
8/7Threw my apple out
Missed the window, made a mess
Hurt me to the core
8/8Think! The color blue
Symbolizes many things
What's it mean to you?
8/9Letters side-by-side
Touching each other in words
Can Boggle the mind
8/10Sliders for dinner
Little burgers on a bun
Asparagus side
8/11“N.C. Sausage Dog”
Big fat link on a square bun
And for breakfast yet
8/12A possible light
Glowing in the far corner
Still too dark to read
8/13She’s a busy one
Always on sentry duty
Before she winds down
8/14I kissed him softly
Fell in love over again
How he rocks my world
8/15Pizza on the grill
One of his many talents
8/16Book club and Salon
One at 3 and one at 6
Well-spent time with friends
8/17On the road again
Jeff cutting the grass again
Viv at work again
8/18Had a restful night
It’s been a very long time
Innocuous dreams
8/19Quesadilla Day
At nearby Mi Cabana
They're one dollar each
8/20Watched Catastrophe
Amazon Original
Series, pretty good
Teeth cleaning went well today
Love my hygienist
8/22‘Round the neighborhood
Walking with my family
Frances, Vincent, Bob
8/23Rescued Vincent from
Garbage on the curb on walk
Nasty bone of fowl
8/24Philly steak sandwich
From Little Kettle Diner
Mom’s bingo dinner
8/25Watching my mom play
10 bingo cards at one time
‘Tween the window slats
8/26Couldn’t sleep last night
Used a NyQuil shot to chase
Prior ZzzQuil shot
8/27High anxiety
Cautiously celebrating
Don’t know what to think
8/28Each blade grows a beard
Turning, slicing particles
That attach themselves
8/29Though it's popular
Cards Against Humanity
I am not a fan
8/30Watched Downton Abbey
Series 5, 3 episodes
Just 6 more to go
8/31Eyes closed with a frown
Is it deep thoughts or deep sleep
Only Robert knows
9/1It was a hard day
My sister is my hero
She amazes me
9/2Sad about Isis
He was overcome by grief
Such a tender soul
9/3Upgrade to 5s
Now he can talk to Siri
Changed gender to male
9/4Never-ending churn
Mulling over and under
And over again
9/5Went to a new gym
Well it's still Planet Fitness
Just a different one
9/6Ate at Watkins Grill
Won't be going there again
Heard some racist talk
9/7Cookout in the 'hood
Hot dogs, chips, cookies, and flies
Ten trash cans nearby
9/8He is now no code
A gut-wrenching day, but, too
A most loving one
9/9Moved to Hospice House
It’s the final stop before
The last day arrives
9/10I cooked twice today
Omelets, Mongolian Beef
Breakfast, then dinner
9/11I was at my desk
Working still for IBM
Watching in horror
9/12First day fatherless
I don't see him here or there
At least physically
9/13Brought dad's coffin clothes
His USMC dress blues
Undertaker took
9/14There's a lot to do
Planning someone's funeral
Time for a dirt nap
9/15Standing in a line
We receive condolences
dad lies still nearby
9/16They honored my dad
A 21-gun salute
Taps was beautiful
9/17Hope to now resume
My pre-May life of leisure
At least for a while
9/18Dial 1 to report
Death of a retiree
Over and over
9/19We had lunch with mom
Would have been 62 years
Since she married dad
9/20Red light is tattooed
Dad said this about long lights
"Jesus Christopher!"
9/21"Alive in our hearts"
Mom chose this to add to dad's
Tombstone inscription
9/22Freelancing today
A full day of editing
Back in my routine
9/23She got 2 bingos
Two-hundred fifty all told
Mom took home the dough
9/24Love our screened in porch
Napping on a nice cool day
Being watched by Bob
9/25Somewhat lazy day
Editing and some napping
Rain again today
9/26Board meeting burnout
Minutes take up too much time
They are so misnamed
9/27A big family
All of them love him so much
I like watching that
9/28Banner Elk, NC
Listed goals and hopes and dreams
A Red Hat retreat
9/29Retreat winding down
Miss my family so much
Home bound tomorrow
9/30Reared its ugly head
Wreaking havoc in its wake
10/1Mounds of paperwork
Wills and claims and policies
For the lawyer's eyes
10/2A productive day
Lawyer, court house, VA rep
Settling an estate
10/3Five hundred and five
Cardio calories burned
10/4Dinner with some friends
Both good food and company
Grateful for them both
10/5More to take care of
Put me in a little funk
Working my way out
10/6Dues are going up
Homeowners won’t be happy
No one has spare cash
10/7Good roast beef sandwich
Mom made to take to bingo
One for each of us
10/8Editing again
Slow return to my routine
Earning some more cash
10/9Drank the night away
With friends David, Wayne, and Joe
Way too much to drink
10/10One last guest list check
Almost two hundred could step
Over the threshold
10/11Back at the homestead
Closets now cleared of all clothes
Made decent progress
10/12Thanking people for
Sympathy and donations
Etiquette says to
10/13Since I retired
One more trip around the sun
It’s my birthday, too
10/14A new POA
Updating mom's documents
Now that dad has passed
10/15Drinks and dinner with
Our wedding officiant
We're so fond of him
10/16We got our license
Must be used in 60 days|
When we say I do
10/17Bingo in Greenville
Mom made roast beef sandwiches
To enjoy while there
10/18We discussed “The Call”
Mostly Social Book Club talk
Missed Suzanne’s viewpoint
10/19Came into being
More than 60 years ago
Marriage document
10/20Provided a ride
For a friend to car dealer
His car hesitates
10/21It is State Fair time
I live close to the fairgrounds
Fireworks at 10
10/22They are not a match
But are complementary
Pottery spoon rests
10/23Door decorations
My sister helped my mother
Enter the contest
10/24Billy and Brian
Had their wedding reception
We walked there and back
10/257 stories told
Each one 7 minutes long
Four of them stood out
10/26Gave a friend a ride
To see an orthopedist
She broke her ankle
10/27Estate settling
Three items done in Greenville
Had lunch with mom, too
10/28Second all-time high
Fair attendance reported
I’m glad it’s over
10/29Erroneous charge
Twenty-five hundred dollars
A refund coming
10/30Free lunch with my boss
Delicious pimento cheese
Sandwich with some chips
10/31It’s All Hallow’s Eve
Starts 3 days remembering
Faithful departed
11/1Welcome November
I will marry my betrothed
Later in your month
11/2Filled up at CostCo
Gas for under two dollars
Get it while it lasts
11/3 Enrolled for healthcare
Not much change in premium
I’m grateful for that
11/4Talked with dad’s sister
Sending mom an edible
arrangement Friday 
11/5An affirmation
Praise today both personal
And professional
11/6Wedding reception
Six months after the wedding
It was a good time
11/7Won the second game
Mom was first to make a “V”
$50 prize
11/8I am an air sign
Ruling planet is Venus
Scorpio rising
11/9So many papers
Some to shred and some to file
Organizing life
11/10Customer service
Was disastrous today
At the car dealer
11/11Had lunch at Sitti
First time that I’ve eaten there
Everything was good
11/12My sister’s birthday
She is a gift in my life
Fifty-five today
11/13Making wedding gifts
To give to our family
For being with us
11/14An engagement lunch
Friends, and coworkers of Bob’s
When he used to work
11/15Picked up some boxes
In anticipation of
Moving in with Bob
11/16Wedding outfits bought
Shorts, t-shirts, and tennis shoes
We are good to go
11/17Dine-Out Raleigh night
At The Borough restaurant
Proceeds for good cause
11/18Grapes, cheese, and crackers
Flavorful combination
A nice little snack
11/19A hot tow truck man
Biceps bulging through his shirt
Tattooed lower arms
11/20“Birthdays” CDs done
Souvenirs for upcoming
Party for birthdays
11/21Spring Hope gathering
Dining at historic home
On the good china
11/22Helped by friends of ours
Swapped things between our houses
Grateful for their work
11/23The second McVeigh
Arrives today to be here
For brother’s big day
11/24Lots of alcohol
For our wedding partying
Limited by laws
11/25Ordered cake for bros
Bobby, Charley, and Jimmy
Birthdays on same day
11/26Emotional day
Welcoming new family
And missing my own
11/27A surprise party
For 3 brothers with the same
Month and day birthday
11/28A glorious day
Married the love of my life
Bob and I are one
11/29Brunch for 24
Seven hundred thirty-three
We picked up the tab
11/30Casey & Daniel
Updated our thermostat
A digital one
12/1Starting to get back
Into our former routine
Slowly and surely
12/2Dinner with Tommy
Last McVeigh to leave Raleigh
Tucson tomorrow
12/3Returned to the stores
Lots of cash back for unused
Wines, mixers, and such
12/4It’s out of control
Cost of caring for your health
When you are married
I’ve been married for one week
Still “honeymooning”
12/6If it helps at all
It will be 2 years for me
Okay to let go
12/7We all decided
We won’t exchange Christmas gifts
Stopping the madness
12/8His confounded lights
All come on then some go off
No rhyme or reason
12/9Pulled out of the box
Christmas tree decorated
We just plug it in
12/10Done with Red Hat peeps
From her Secret Santa Claus
She got lots of teas
12/11We signed the contract
To start our house addition
An exciting time
12/12Made a long round trip
To Jacksonville, then Greenville
Then back to Raleigh
12/13Two “clubs” that I’m in
Now are only gals and me
Wasn’t always so
12/14She looked with surprise
At the umbrella I had
“Is it raining out?”
12/15The new Transparent
Few redeeming characters
Hope it lightens up
12/16Red Hat Marketing
Holiday party was fun
We won trivia
12/17Regifting party
One man’s junk is another
Man’s junk, too, sometimes
12/18Great expectations
Disappointing overall
Done with season two
12/19Taping bingo sheets
Makes them easier to lift
27 cards
12/20Some love, some hate, them
(I am one of the former)
Holiday letters
12/21Love me a Luden
Taken to squelch hacking noise
Wild cherry cough drop
12/22No reception here
Wireless and cell phone, too
12/23It’s Christmas eve eve
Penultimate day before
It’s also Wednesday
12/247 days to go
Then we’ll ring in a new year
Two-thousand sixteen
12/25She liked the soup cup
Bob’s Tupperware Vent ‘n’ Serve
He gave it to her
12/26 In their underwear
In a bar to get free beer
Really shouldn’t be
12/27Wrote some blog entries
On movies recently seen
Two down, three to go
12/28Got an estimate
On some care repairs I need
Reasonable cost
12/29Saw the doc today
Have had this cough for one month
Time to “let it go”
12/30Day 2 of my drugs
No significant change yet
But I’m still hopeful
12/31Two years, every day
Now completed, time to rest
See you now and then