People to People Technical Communications Professional Delegation to China—Day 11

Today was our last "professional day" on the trip, and after the usual breakfast buffet, which I ate gloriously alone today, we were off to our morning visit with the Strategic Delivery Organization, Greater China, Accenture, where our Meeting Agenda noted at the bottom: "The washroom at the meeting venue is western style with toilet … Read more

People to People Technical Communications Professional Delegation to China—Day 10

Our wake-up call was at 7:30 today, and this was the first time on this trip that I was in an incredibly deep sleep when my phone rang. The breakfast buffet in this hotel, Le Royal Meridien, is unfreakingbelievable. I started off with twice slices of toast, eggs Benedict with a hard-boiled, instead of soft-boiled … Read more

People to People Technical Communications Professional Delegation to China—Day 8

I had breakfast with Kathleen and James this morning, both of whom I really like. They are partners and they live in Seattle, Washington. Kathleen is a delegate, and James is her guest. She’s a user experience specialist. Our morning professional meeting was with the Guilin Hunter Information Industry Limited Corporation. I like how the Board … Read more

People to People Technical Communications Professional Delegation to China—Day 5

Though our wake-up call was set for 6:30 this morning, I was up at 5:30 after a full night’s sleep. I went ahead and SSSed, and got down to breakfast at about 6:10. The restaurant didn’t open until 6:30, so I sat outside the entrance until then. This totally Type A man came down at 6:20, … Read more

People to People Technical Communications Professional Delegation to China—Day 4

I didn’t sleep at all last night. I got out of the bed at about 2:30, as that’s what “they” say you should do if you’re not sleeping. I went over my presentation again a couple of times, and then tried lights out again. To no avail. I think the fact that I can’t get … Read more

People to People Technical Communications Professional Delegation to China—Day 3

I woke up at 2:00 after 4.5 hours of sleep. I got up for about a half hour as I wasn’t falling right back to sleep. Once I lay back down, I slept until about 6:30. I had the most vivid dreams at some point during the night—not exactly sure if they were during the … Read more