Last day of work this month, Deer Hunting w/Jesus & Robert & Katherine…

I wore shorts and a t-shirt to work today. Among other things, I created an announcement about my trip to the staff, which is now posted in the Staff News section of the Office of Information Technology home page: OIT staff member talks technical communication in China.

I picked up Katherine Chandler at the airport at around 6:30, and we went to Elmo’s Diner in Durham for dinner. I had quiche and she had a Greek Grilled Cheese sandwich, which she loved.

We met Robert at Manbites Dog Theater to see Deer Hunting with Jesus, which Katja was directing. It was a staged reading of an adaption of Joe Bageant‘s book Deer Hunting with Jesus: Dispatches from America’s Class War.

There was a scene about three-quarters of the way through that had the three of us in absolute stitches. We thoroughly enjoyed our evening.

I dropped off Katherine at my house, and ran down to Flex for just a little while. Joe didn’t go out tonight, and I spent most of the time talking with Steve Harris.

I wasn’t there more than an hour, leaving at just a little bit after midnight.

I hate how I’m consistently running about two days behind on my blog now. Gotta remedy that soon.