A Stan-level staff meeting, work turnover meeting, and the State Fair…

Good week for… Bad week for… Health-food stores, after Italian researchers isolated an erection-inducing plant compound in a widely sold Chinese herb known as Horny Goat Weed. The compound, icariin, may be as effective as Viagra, researchers said. Biological warfare, after a West Virginia man was charged with battery on a police officer for passing … Read more

Work stuff, an affirmation from our P2P leader, and a fun night of dancing…

I attended the OIT Web Team Meeting today, wrote an e-mail to Marc Hoit, our CIO, about his blog, and I responded to a director who is in a workgroup charged with creating “an ideal information technology or information services department at an Asian women’s university.” He wanted some input on what people thought would … Read more

Bus scrambling, the OIT Expo, a flu shot, and dinner to get China adapters/converters…

I had intended to catch the Wolfline bus to the Talley Student Center this morning, but remembered—fortunately before I waited at the bus stop—that it’s fall break and most of the NC State buses were not running today, including the one I would have taken. The city bus I usually take to work—the Method Road … Read more

Some cards, negative money numbers, a couple brochures, and “bundle packing”…

First thing this morning, I wrote, by hand (that ancient art) in three greeting cards: a sympathy card, a “just because” card, and a thank you card. En route to my morning coffee, I dropped them off at the post office that’s two blocks down from my office. Having such things around me is one … Read more