Manbites Dog board meeting, a birthday lunch, and finally installed year-old SW…

I went to bed way too late, and got up way too early. I attended our Manbites Dog board meeting from 10:00-12:00, during which—after failing miserably at applying little stickies to invitations—I successfully, and in some cases quite beautifully, addressed a little over 100 invitations to our upcoming fundraiser on November 8, 2008. Ed, with … Read more

A transgender podcast, cheap coffee, memorial service travel arrangements, and writing an article…

I listened to a fascinating podcast on the bus on the way in today: Two Families Grapple with Sons’ Gender Preferences. Each family is dealing with the situation in totally opposite ways. Each is working with a professional, each of which has a totally different philosophy about the issue. Dr. Diane Ehrensaf… Dr. Ken Zucker… … Read more