Lifetime supply of scrap paper

For a couple of hours yesterday and today, I cleaned out some file folders—2 of them the thickest ones in there, with each containing a good number of 15- to 20-year-old items. I mean is anyone ever going to want to see what my colon looked like during my 2006 colonoscopy? Or how diverse my portfolio holdings were in 2001? The 2 folders with the most crap in them were my Medical folder and my Investment folder.

Even though a lot of people who actually have descendants who are going to inherit this earth don’t seem to care about saving the planet, Bob and I (who don’t have any) still take the time to do things like using the back side of pieces of paper if unused. Both the medical and financial industries are notorious for not duplexing when printing their information. It’s mind-boggling, really.

To that end, out of the papers I’m discarding from those 2 folders alone, we have this much paper to reuse. (Ruler for scale.) We’ll use them mostly on AARP crossword puzzles & L.A. Times crossword puzzles, which we print from the web, and to print our weekly menus, which we post on our fridge.


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