We have these 3 movie posters hanging in our dining room, with a meal-times theme to them.

Breakfast at Tiffany’s | Naked Lunch | Dinner at Eight |
This 1961 movie’s claim to fame is Mickey Rooney’s beyond-cringeworthy portrayal of “Mr. Yunioshi,” which catapults it to the top of “movies that didn’t age well” lists. I read the book, by Truman Capote, and I was stunned that they could make a 2-hour movie out of a 179-page book. | I refer to this 1981 movie as “the weirdest f*cking movie I’ve ever seen.” William S. Borroughs, who wrote the book it’s based on, said people’s opinion about the book included: “Disgusting!” “Pornographic, un-American trash!” “Unpublishable!” He adds: “So Hollywood, in all its wisdom, made it into a movie.” | This classic 1933 movie had a tagline that stated: “MORE STARS THAN HAVE EVER BEEN IN ANY PICTURE BEFORE. The biggest film sensation in 10 years!” The trailer describes a gentleman “who has outlived everything but his vanity,” and a lady “who would sacrifice everything to give a society dinner.” |
- Naked Lunch (1991) Drama, mystery. (1992, April 24). IMDb. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0102511/
- Dinner at Eight (1933) Drama. (1934, January 12). IMDb. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0023948/