Our weekly menus

We’re both fans of meal planning and realize we’re lucky that both of us like knowing what’s in store for the coming week’s meals.

  • Bob loves to cook but doesn’t like deciding what to cook.
  • Usually on Sunday evening, and usually together, we inventory our fridge and freezer for possible entrĂ©es to create a week of menus with.
  • On “Produce Project Wednesdays,” we sometimes put placeholders for the sides until we see what vegetables we get.
  • Having this done by Sunday evening also informs Bob’s grocery shopping, which he likes to do early in the week.
  • We both agree that this is just a guide, and we rearrange or substitute when it feels right.
Sample weekly menus

A few people who know this about us have shared this cartoon with us, and we know that some people find the idea of doing this suffocating—much like the lady depicted here.

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