Inundated by Zoom, WebEx, or BlueJeans virtual meetings, especially work-related ones that allow for Q&A time at some point—and that’s most meetings for me—I’ve been thinking a lot about this phrase: “That’s a good question!”
I might go so far as to say more often than not, the person responding to a question will say this at the beginning of their answer, and I immediately think:
- Is it really?
- How so?
- What exactly about it makes it good? ‘Cause I don’t see it.
Or are you just buying time while you decide:
- if you know the answer, or
- how to answer if you do, or
- to say, “I don’t know, but I’ll find out and get back to you.”
My personal feeling is twofold about starting the answer with that:
- The responder thinks it’s a good question, because it’s not one they’d thought of, or
- It’s just a kind of communication tic of the responder and they’ve given no actual thought as to whether it’s a good question or not.
to the screen after each response.

This one always makes me wonder!